A deep understanding of people, organisations and adult learning forms the foundation of the strategies that I employ to develop your employees to their fullest potential.

With pragmatism and flexibility, I create and deliver innovative and effective programmes that address key business and organisational challenges by working with the hearts and minds of your primary resource - your people.

In order to fully understand your organisation and business challenges, I meet with your key stakeholders for your brief on the scope of the programme to be developed and delivered.

Upon agreement, I will embark on an internal audit lasting at least 2 weeks before a programme design is outlined. Throughout the process, I rely on close consultation with your People Operations and Learning and Development teams to ensure that I tailor the programme(s) specifically to your organisation's needs.

Where desired, train-the-trainer is conducted parallel to the programme delivery to ensure continuity in learning for your organisation.


Our repertoire of training solutions include:

Communicating Effectively

Understanding and Working with Different Personality Types

Connected Coaching – GROW and Solutions-Focused Models

Situational Leadership™

Working with Change and Transformation

Understanding Motivation

Developing a Culture of Trust and Openness

Attention Training & Emotional Containment

Delegating with Accountability

Dealing with Conflicts and Confrontations

Recruiting Right

Powerful Performance Meetings

Facilitation & Presentation Skills

Building Effective and Powerful Teams

Interested in working together? Here's our contact information.


+65 9187 3478
