Working in the Cognitive-Behavioural Therapeutic approach, I help you to understand the intricate connection between our emotions, thoughts and behaviour.  It is an approach that places the power to heal within the hands of the person so that the benefits of counselling are long-term and self-driven.

Underlying this empowering method is the unconditional positive regard and care towards you, the person who is healing.

My approach is deeply personal and pragmatic at the same time – I understand the vagaries of the human heart and help you to develop daily strategies to live happy and fulfilled.

Embarking on counselling is an act of courage and demonstrates a desire to work through some of life’s seemingly intractable issues. Counselling offers you a safe and positive environment to grapple with these issues.

A counsellor must first an foremost be someone you trust – progress will happen only if you are willing to share openly and truthfully so trust is imperative. Your counsellor should also possess a measure of life experience and have had personal experience being in counselling her/himself.  Only having walked a mile in the shoes of the client, can your counsellor truly have empathy and regard for you.

Initially, we meet to decide on how we can work together and for you to decide if you feel comfortable with me. Once we have agreed, we will arrange to meet on a specific day and time – this can be a short-term arrangement of 6 to 12 sessions. However, for more embedded issues, an open-ended arrangement is more likely to enable you to safely explore and deepen your understanding of these issues.

For your convenience and privacy, I am also happy to work with individuals over Skype. In some instances, I can also arrange to meet with you in your home or office. 

Sessions together will generally be 50 minutes long.

Talking to a counsellor can help you with

Feelings of isolation

Lack of fulfilment in life, work, relationships

Transitions in life and work

Anxiety or panic attacks

Stress Management

Anger Management

Loss and grief


Depression or low mood

Parenting challenges

Confidence and self-esteem challenges

Interested in working together? Here's our contact information.


+65 9187 3478